One down and many more to go – Simon Brown pictured with Joey Issa

355a - One down and many more to go - May 6, 1991 Joe Joey Joseph Issa JamaicaOne down and many more to go: Simon Brown, International Boxing Federation welterweight champion, his wife (third right) and his trainer Benny Collins (far left) at Grand Lido Negril Monday May 6, 1991. Seen in Grand Lido’s Piano Bar with Toni MacMillan (P.R. Manager), Joe Issa (Resident Manger- second right), Carol Bourke (Purchasing Manager- third right) and Richard Bourke (Exec. Asst. Manager- back), Mr. Brown and party exclaimed that they were definitely coming back after Simon’s flight in July. As a brawta, Mr. Issa offered them a complimentary week’s stay if Simon won the fight.

47 responses to “One down and many more to go – Simon Brown pictured with Joey Issa

  1. Simon Brown is from Clarendon, and at one point considered one of the best pound-for-pound fighters in boxing. Does anyone know if he won the fight?

  2. Mental strength is really important because you either win or lose in your mind. And I’m not solely talking about sporting matches, boxing events – anything you do, you do it first with your mental strength. And you can actually train and develop it, and I am responsible for what I’m saying because I have experience with that.

    Mandeville, Manchester — Part proceeds from the recent (May 3) annual Men Who Cook fundraiser of the Lions Club of Mandeville will be used to assist in undertaking the estimated $3 million cost of a Histopathology Microscope.

    The announcement was made at a recent launch by the service club.

    The microscope, according to Lions Club member and Chairman of the Men Who Cook Planning Committee Dr Clifton Reid, is necessary for a range of conditions where tissue samples are taken to find out whether or not an ailment is present.

    The purchase of the Histopathology Microscope will form the first phase of efforts to establish a Pathology Lab at the Mandeville Regional Hospital that will also benefit other health facilities within the Southern Regional Health Authority (SRHA).

    Reid told the Jamaica Observer that funding from the Men Who Cook event of the Mandeville Lions Club is not yet tallied and as such the exact figure that will be donated is not yet determined.

    Other Lions Clubs in Region 1– Manchester, Clarendon, St Elizabeth, St Catherine, Westmoreland, St James and Trelawny have committed to also contribute to the microscope project, he said.

    With no pathology lab now in the Southern Health Region to serve the parishes of Manchester, St Elizabeth and Clarendon, samples have had to be transported to the Cornwall Regional Hospital in Western Jamaica.

    Regional director of the SRHA Michael Bent said that sending the samples to Cornwall Regional every Wednesday is very time-consuming, restricts the flexibility in doing the job and puts added pressure on the fleet of vehicles available as pick-ups are made to different health facilities in the Southern Region before that journey is taken.

    Dr Collette Hall who is the pathologist for the Southern Regional Health Authority but based at the Cornwall Regional Hospital also has to travel to the Region as necessary to carry out her duties.

    “There are problems associated with this (lack of Pathology Lab in the Southern Region) namely turnaround time,” she said.

    Hall said that the turnaround time for results is currently not at an internationally accepted standard.

    “In order for us to commit to the mandate of reducing cancer incidents, not only in this region but in Jamaica, we have to have a fully equipped and staffed anatomical pathology laboratory in this region,” she said.

    Bent said that while there are “blueprints” to guide the development of the Mandeville Regional Hospital the plans were not finalised.

    He said, however, that the assurance of assistance from the Lions Club of Mandeville has “fast forward” the plans for the expensive venture of establishing a pathology lab.

    Bent said that the lab will be located on a section of approximately four acres of land adjacent the public health facility that was received from the Ministry of Transport, Works and Housing.

    The additional land is an important part of the strategic plan for the development of the hospital, according to leaders within the Southern Regional Health Authority.

    Reid said that other fundraisers will assist in the renovation of one of the existing buildings on the property to house the Pathology Lab as the Lions Club of Mandeville continue its efforts to contribute to varying community projects.

    In the interim, he said, that when the Histopathology Microscope is purchased it will be place at the Cornwall Regional Hospital from which the SRHA pathologist operates.

    Minister of Health Dr Fenton Ferguson has also committed to ensuring that the Pathology Lab Project for the Southern Health Region comes to fruition.

    “I am willing to make representation to the National Health Fund (NHF) to come up with monies that will hasten the period that it would take (to put the lab in place),” he told the audience at the launch.

    “We cannot continue to feel comfortable in an environment where it is taking you a year or more at one point, to get back results of specimens…,” Ferguson added.

    The Lions Club of Mandeville is not a first time benefactor to the Mandeville Regional Hospital.

    Men Who Cook is a signature event of the Club and over the years, organisers say, some “reasonably large” donations have been made to the public health facility from the event.

    MONTEGO BAY, Jamaica –Western Jamaica has been given the opportunity to be better informed about the history and nature of the Rastafari movement through a historical exhibition mounted at National Museum West, located in the Montego Bay Cultural Centre.

    In keeping with its efforts to foster the development of various aspects of the country’s tourism product, the Tourism Enhancement Fund (TEF) played a pivotal role in enabling the Rastafari exhibition to be mounted at the Cultural Centre, where it will be displayed for a year.

    Speaking at the opening of the exhibition recently, executive director of the TEF, Clyde Harrison described the mounting of the exhibition and the presence of members of the Rastafari community as “a journey with some distance still left to go”, but which stood out as a testament to the spirit of the Jamaican people.

    From the viewpoint of Rastafari, Harrison commended “the strength of their culture, their insistence on being themselves and being accepted for who they are and what they are about”. For other Jamaican people “for the police, the Government to accept them also, it’s the spirit of the Jamaican people in its full glory; the Rastafari and everybody else coming together to say welcome Rasta,” he added.

    Speaking to TEF’s involvement in the exhibition, Harrison said while the Fund promoted tourism extensively, the fact was that “we promote what is good for Jamaicans and for the tourist to enjoy”.

    As examples he pointed to several TEF projects including the development of the Montego Bay Cultural Centre, restoration of The Dome in Montego Bay and the current installation of LED lights on the Elegant Corridor from Sangster International Airport to Lilliput, St James.

    “We are funding the museum and we will continue to do so; we will not ignore the culture of the people nor what is important to us and when we do this it speaks to our spirit so we are very proud to be associated with this endeavour and all the others that we have put forward for the people of Jamaica and the tourists to enjoy,” said Harrison.

    Member of Parliament for Central St James Lloyd B Smith welcomed the exhibition as a special undertaking to pay tribute to Rastafari.

    “This exhibition, I am sure, will help to enlighten the general populace about the fact that Rastafari is a bona fide, genuine part of the Jamaican culture and history. It is indeed a very integral part of our national psyche and this has been embodied in the fact that wherever

    you go in the world Rastafari can be seen in one form or the other.”

    Director of the National Museum Jamaica Dr Johnathan Greenland noted that it was the first major exhibition for Museum West. He disclosed that the exhibition ran at the Smithsonian Museum in Washington DC in the USA for many years before the Rastafari Community negotiated for it to be brought to Jamaica. Its first stop was in Kingston where it was expanded extensively.

    Through artefacts, images, videos, and text this exhibition seeks to explore the history and nature of Rastafari, including: the Revelation of Rastafari, the philosophy and evolution of the Rastafari movement, the visit of His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie to Jamaica and the impact of Rastafari on music. It also provides a historical review of the tribulations experienced by members, in particular the events surrounding Coral Gardens in April, 1963.

    Following a yearlong run in Montego Bay, it will be turned over to the Rastafari Community for it to be housed at a permanent learning centre to be established by the ethnic group.

    At the Rastafari Indigenous Village in St James a member ‘First Man’ also applauded the collaboration of the Government of Jamaica and the Rastafari Millennium Council in bringing about the exhibition.

    “Especially here in Montego Bay the Rastafari Community faced one of our worst challenges; this is where the Coral Gardens incident took place, (and) right here in the centre of the city is where Sam Sharpe and all of our African people were down pressed and for us to be here eternally burning Babylon and then find that the same system now can speak of who Rastafari is and what Rastafari represents over that period of time, that is a great achievement,” he proclaimed.

    MEN took charge behind the stove and the grill at Ham Stables in St Catherine yesterday afternoon as they celebrated Mother’s Day at the ‘Fathers Who Cook’ culinary fund-raiser, conceptualised by Lodge Portmore’s frontman Leighton McKnight.

    An all-star cast of politicians and businessmen — among them Observer’s Managing Director Danville Walker, Member of Parliament Mikael Phillips and Opposition Senator Christopher Tufton — stirred bubbling pots of stewed and curried meats, or flipped Red Stripe-flavoured burger patties and pork on fiery hot grills as long queues formed at the food stations.

    Our shutterbug framed social moments from the culinary event that will benefit the George Lee Scholarship, the Clifton Basic School and child autism charities.

    FIVE teachers, who collectively gave more than 300 years of service to Jamaica’s education sector, were over the weekend honoured by the Education Ministry and residents in the community of Enfield, St Mary.

    Mavis ‘Girly’ Brown, the teacher whose plight was highlighted in the Jamaica Observer last week, was among those recognised for their contribution made towards moulding some of the country’s brightest minds.

    The other teachers honoured were 88-year-old Veronica Gutzmore, Catherine Hylton, 82, Elma Blake, 87, and Esta Campbell 85.

    According to Organiser of the event Claude Sinclair, the teachers each gave more than 60-years service in the education sector.

    Brown was also recognised as she celebrated her 90th birthday at the event.

    To mark the occasion members of telecoms company Digicel presented a birthday cake and a wheel chair donated by Food for the Poor to Brown.

    Senior Sponsorship and Development Manager at Digicel Kamal Powell said the company heard about the plight of ‘Miss Girlie’ through the Jamaica Observer and sought to help.

    “Miss Girly’s work in her community and her commitment to early childhood education exemplify what it means to be truly extraordinary. She has shown that as long as you have drive and passion you can accomplish almost anything. We are always looking for ways to celebrate our customers that are making valuable contribution to Jamaica’s development so we are happy to be honouring Miss Girly today as a mother, a teacher and a stalwart in her community,” said Powell.

    The presentation left Sinclair overjoyed.

    “We are very happy and joyful to know that on the mentioned day leaders saw it fit to come out and honour stalwarts of the society,” he said.

    Last week, Sinclair, a resident of the community and former student of the retired teacher Brown said he was concerned that enough was not being done to honour the unsung community heroes and heroines.

    He said things were particularly challenging for Miss Girly, who retired without a pension and who was now blind and could hardly move about.

    LONDON, United Kingdom (AFP ) – British Prime Minister David Cameron unveiled his new Cabinet on Monday after an unexpected election victory that gave his Conservative party an outright majority in parliament for the first time in nearly 20 years.

    Cameron stressed continuity in his leadership team, with most top jobs remaining unchanged.

    Other parts of Britain’s post-election landscape fell into place as the anti-EU UK Independence Party rejected the resignation of its leader Nigel Farage and new MPs arrived at parliament for the first time.

    The newcomers included 53 first-time MPs from the pro-independence Scottish National Party’s contingent of 56 lawmakers, including 20-year-old Mhairi Black, Britain’s youngest MP since 1667.

    Cameron received a rapturous reception from MPs from his centre-right Conservative party when he met them in the House of Commons, with repeated banging of tables and applause audible from outside the meeting room.

    Afterwards, his finance minister and de facto deputy George Osborne, who will oversee a fresh round of austerity cuts after keeping his job, said the meeting was a “massive moment of celebration and congratulation for the prime minister”.

    As well as keeping Osborne at the Treasury, Phillip Hammond remains at the Foreign Office and will work on renegotiating Britain’s relationship with Europe before a referendum on leaving the European Union (EU) by 2017.

    Theresa May, tipped with Osborne and Johnson as a potential successor to Cameron when he steps down by 2020, remains interior minister and Michael Fallon stays at defence.

    London Mayor Boris Johnson, who has another year in the job, does not get a ministerial post but will attend meetings of Cameron’s political inner circle.

    The Conservatives won 331 out of the 650 seats in the House of Commons in Thursday’s election, which gave Labour 232, the SNP 56 and the Liberal Democrats just eight.

    With the exception of the SNP, the election left Britain’s opposition parties in disarray following Friday’s resignations of Labour leader Ed Miliband and Liberal Democrat chief Nick Clegg.

    The Labour party is split on its future direction between centrists and leftists and was due to hold initial talks on Monday ahead of a formal meeting on Wednesday of its national executive committee.

    UKIP’s Farage had vowed to resign as leader if he failed to win a seat in the Commons, writing it would be “frankly just not credible” for him to continue.

    But after he lost in the coastal seat of South Thanet, UKIP’s National Executive Committee rejected his resignation Monday, citing “overwhelming evidence” that UKIP members did not want him to quit.

    SNP lawmakers arrived for their first day in parliament accompanied by party leader Nicola Sturgeon, who wants Cameron to grant sweeping new powers for Scotland.

    “He cannot just carry on as if it’s business as usual,” Sturgeon told reporters as SNP MPs gathered for a group photo outside parliament.

    “People in Scotland have voted for change and they will expect to see changes.”

    MPs will be formally sworn in next Monday and Queen Elizabeth II will deliver her traditional speech at the State Opening of Parliament on May 27, which will outline the Conservatives’ legislative proposals.

    Cameron has promised to hold an EU membership referendum within two-and-a-half years but commentators say the issue threatens to divide the Conservatives and overshadow the rest of its programme for government.

    Speaking after Cameron met the influential 1922 Committee of backbench MPs, one eurosceptic said the prime minister had stressed “the importance of unity in the next five years”.

    “The last thing I or any other Tory MP want is a lot of rows over Europe,” the MP said, speaking anonymously.

    Cameron could also face controversy over his plan to eliminate Britain’s budget deficit of nearly £90 billion (125 billion euros, $139 billion) by 2018-2019.

    Anti-austerity protestors clashed with police outside Downing Street on Saturday and are preparing a larger demonstration next month against cuts to public services.


    Simon Brown (boxer)

    For other people of the same name, see Simon Brown (disambiguation).

    Simon Brown (born August 15, 1963, in Clarendon, Jamaica) is a former professional boxer. Known as “Mantequilla”, a name given to him by his famous trainer Jose ‘Pepe’ Correa, Brown was a welterweight fighter who held titles at multiple weight classes and at one point was considered one of the best pound for pound fighters in boxing.

    Brown began his career in 1982 at the age of 19 and ran off a string of 21 consecutive victories, prior to losing a split decision to Marlon Starling in 1985. Simon won three consecutive bouts, including a victory against undefeated former Olympian Shawn O’Sullivan to line up a shot at the vacant IBF Welterweight Title against Tyrone Trice. Brown won via 14th round TKO and went on to successfully defend his title 9 times, including a unification bout with Lineal and WBC Welterweight Titles holder Maurice Blocker, winning by TKO in the 10th. Brown lost his belts in his next fight to James McGirt. After the loss, Brown moved up to Light Middleweight and in 1993 defeated Terry Norris via a devastating 4th round KO to win the WBC Light Middleweight Title in a fight proclaimed 1993 Upset of the Year by Ring Magazine. In 1994, Brown lost a rematch and the title to Norris via decision. In 1995 Brown fought IBF Light Middleweight Title holder Vincent Pettway, losing by KO in the 6th. The following year, Brown fought undefeated WBO Middleweight Title holder Lonnie Bradley and lost a unanimous decision. Brown then moved up to middleweight and took on IBF Middleweight Title holder Bernard Hopkins in 1998, but lost via TKO in the 6th. This was to be Brown’s last title shot. After the loss to Hopkins, he went on a five fight losing streak, including defeats to Olympian David Reid and Omar Sheika, and retired after the loss to Sheika in 2000.

    Simon Brown is now training in California.


    Boxing Boxing in Jamaica has been attracting fighters since the Constitution of the Jamaica Boxing Association was drafted by Mr. Norman Manley in 1929. In fact, the General Secretary of Jamaica Boxing Board of Control (JBBC) Mr. Leroy Brown who is a Jamaican and the only Caribbean boxing official with this qualification is rank among the second highest boxing officials in the world as recent as March 2012. Mr. Brown is license by the International Boxing Association (AIBA) and can officiate in any boxing tournament worldwide. He has officiated as boxing judge in the Pan American Games, Commonwealth Games, the Olympic Games, and International Association of Athletics Federation (IAAF) World Championship matches. Mr. Brown was chosen by the AIBA as one of the International Technical Officials at the Asian Olympic Qualifying tournament in April 2012.

    The prestigious position Mr. Leroy Brown holds in boxing is a true testament of Jamaica’s History in the sport. Jamaica has managed to produce some great boxers in the world as well as linked to some great boxers in boxing history such as former World Boxing Championship Mike McCallum who has won titles in three different weight classes. His nickname is the “body snatcher” and he was considered a tactician because of his precise hitting. Mike McCallum was inducted into International Boxing Hall of Fame in 2003. The list of Jamaican Boxers continues with names such as Trevor Berbick, Richard “Shrimpy” Clarke, Glen Johnson, Lloyd Honeyham and Donovan Ruddock and Simon Brown.

    Many British and Canadian Boxers with Jamaican parentage including Lennox Lewis, Frank Bruno, Michael Bentt, Alex Stewart, more. Boxing continues to be very popular in Jamaica. The country is set to invest financially into the sport as the audiences keeps growing. Visitors on vacation may take in a Monday night boxing match.


    Bell looking to put on a show for home fans

    Jamaican-born former world cruiserweight boxing champion O’neil Bell is hoping to give his countrymen a close-up look at his ring skills soon.

    The power-punching Bell, who migrated to the United States from his hometown of Montego Bay at age six, said he had accepted an offer from the International Boxing Federation (IBF) to fight Poland’s Tomasz Adamek in an IBF title elimination bout and will be pushing for the fight to be staged in Jamaica.

    “I want to fight in Jamaica,” Bell, also known as ‘Supernova’, said yesterday, “That’s my top goal.”

    Bell, who is currently listed at fifth in the IBF rankings, began training for the Adamek fight this week. He is hoping to regain career momentum he lost following a defeat by Frenchman Jean Marc Mormeck in March 2007. That cost him the World Boxing Association (WBA) and World Boxing Council (WBC) crowns in the 190-200 pound weight division.

    Mormeck subsequently lost both titles to Great Britain’s David Haye in November, but Bell is not sure whether or when he will get a shot at Haye, although he claimed promoters had given him verbal assurance that he would. Haye is believed to be considering a step up in class to the more lucrative heavyweight division.


    The fight with Adamek is pivotal to Bell’s career. A win would put the Jamaican in line for a crack at the IBF cruiserweight crown currently held by American Steve Cunningham, who, ironically, first got hold of the title after Bell, due to what he described as medical problems, failed to defend the title against Cunningham and was stripped of the belt in 2006.

    “It (Adamek fight) will be most important,” Bell said. “I have been out of the limelight since March 2007. It is very important for me to re-establish myself.”

    Now Bell, who has long been frustrated by the lukewarm support for his career offered by America’s boxing fans, which some boxing experts have attributed to his continuous loyalty to Jamaica, is hoping he can finally earn his countrymen”s backing. He wants to give them the opportunity.

    “It (the Adamek) fight could be in Jamaica if the people there express interest in it,” said the 33-year-old, who holds a ring record of 26 wins, with 24 knockouts, two losses and a draw.

    Based on the IBF’s correspondence, according to Bell, he and his promoters have 90 days after January 5 to stage the title eliminator. If the promoters cannot find a suitable location for the fight, Bell may be forced to fight Adamek in Poland or somewhere in the U.S. where there is large Polish support, such as Chicago. He would prefer ‘yard”.

    “That’s my primary interest,” Bell explained, “to generate my fan base.”

  11. AIBA – International Boxing Association

    Sports Teams, Clubs, Federations & Associations, Sports Federations – International, Premium.

    Boxing is a truly global sport with over 195 National Member Federations on 5 continents, enjoying the support of 10 million participants and countless fans. As the global governing body for boxing, AIBA recognizes the unique power of boxing to impact and change lives.

    One of AIBA’s goals is to support this massive grassroots foundation to sustain the continued production of high caliber boxers.

    AIBA seeks to facilitate grassroots development through the following platforms:
    AIBA World Boxing Academy;
    Coach Education;
    Road to Dream;
    International Olympic Committee Partnerships.

  12. AIBA forms ad-hoc panel for India

    International Boxing Association (AIBA) has constituted an ad-hoc committee to run boxing in India.

    The AIBA has appointed Kishan Narsi, as chairman of the committee in which the other members are Jay Kowli , Manisha Malhotra and Injeti Srinivas.

    The AIBA has asked the ad-hoc committee to appoint a national coach with its approval. Narsi is an international referee and he has officiated in four Olympics. He was also a former vice-chairman of the Executive Committee of the AIBA.

    The AIBA has also appointed senior IOC member and former IOA Secretary General, Randhir Singh as advisor.

    In a letter to Narsi, the AIBA Preisdent Dr. Ching-Kuo Wu has said: “The AIBA has decided to form an ad-hoc committee to manage the process of finding a group to organise and administrate the sport of boxing in India.

  13. International Boxing Association announce two appointments to Boxing Marketing Arm

    By Liam Morgan
     Monday, 29 June 2015

    Ken Crease and Rob Garea have become the latest Boxing Marketing Arm appointments ©AIBA

    Ken Crease has been appointed director of sales sponsorship and marketing, while Rob Garea has become the director of operations for the Boxing Marketing Arm (BMA) of the International Boxing Association (AIBA), it has been announced.

    Crease, who has 16 years of experience in sports and entertainment marketing, will be charged with developing the sponsorship and marketing rights for AIBA’s boxing programmes.

    He joins the organisation from GroupM, one of the largest media investment companies in the world, where he was head of entertainment and sports partnerships, Russia and Commonwealth of Independent States

    “Boxing enjoys a unique position in sport, in terms of its heritage and global appeal,” Crease said.

    “I am looking forward to working closely with the existing team to position the sport as an attractive platform for commercial partners.”

    Garea, meanwhile, is vastly experienced as a financial professional and he has worked for a variety of international companies, such as Citibank, eBay and Biogen & Covidien.

    The 40-year-old has been involved in many different areas of the financial sector, including costing, audit, general financing and manufacturing

  14. International Boxing Association Forms Ad-Hoc Committee for Managing the Sport in India

    Kishen Narsi, an AIBA Representative, will chair the Committee, which also comprises ousted Boxing India Secretary General Jay Kowli, former tennis player Manisha Malhotra and SAI DG Injeti Srinivas as its members.

    New Delhi: The International Boxing Association (AIBA) today constituted a five-member Ad-hoc Committee for finding a group which would organize and administrate the sport in India.

    Kishen Narsi, an AIBA Representative, will chair the Committee, which also comprises ousted Boxing India Secretary General Jay Kowli, former tennis player Manisha Malhotra and SAI DG Injeti Srinivas as its members.

    The fifth member would be a national coach which would be appointed with the approval of AIBA.

    AIBA President Ching-Kuo Wu has communicated the decision to Narsi in this regard.

  15. Celebrating its 40th year as expert London piano tuners, Islington Piano in North London specialises in offering a piano tuning service to families, businesses and venues and theatres throughout London and the Midlands.

    We do sales and removals too. Advice is free and without pressured sales talk – we’re a family firm. If you are a family in London looking for a starter piano for your beginner or you just need friendly advice to guide you, then speak to Steve Droy at Islington Piano. Steve has over 25 years in the piano trade in North London and has earned an excellent reputation as a professional piano tuner across Islington and other North London Boroughs providing professional, family-friendly service. Clients include families, Haringey and Islington Schools, as well as celebrity clients, professional recording studios and music venues in London.

  16. Vows – Love at first sight
    Monday, August 22, 2011

    David Hobson, key account manager, modern trade, at Pepsi Jamaica, wed Rachel Silvera, American International School of Kingston (AISK) teacher, and course coordinator, research supervisor and e-tutor at the University of the West Indies Open Campus, on Saturday, July 16, 2011 at Our Lady of Fatima Roman Catholic Church in Ocho Rios. Vows shares their journey to the altar…—Love-at-first-sight_9382366

  17. VIDEO: ‘Axeman’ Walters wants gyms in names of former boxing champs

    Tuesday, January 20, 2015

    VIDEO: ‘Axeman’ Walters wants gyms in names of former boxing champs

    JAMAICAN boxer Nicholas Walters got to where he is today by dreaming. And dreaming big at that.

    Today, he sits on top of the boxing world as an undefeated professional, who currently holds the WBA Super World Featherweight title — a long way from his humble beginnings and days honing his craft in the streets of Roehampton district in St James under the tutelage of his mentor father, Job.–Walters-wants-gyms-in-names-of-former-boxing-champs_18239771

  18. Simon Brown out to make up for lost time, starting with McGirt
    November 28, 1991|By Alan Goldstein
    Simon says he will defend his share of the welterweight title against World Boxing Association champion Meldrick Taylor.

    Simon says he wants to challenge World Boxing Council welterweight champion Julio Cesar Chavez.

    Simon says he will move up in weight to battle WBC junior-middleweight king Terry Norris.

    Simon says he wants to avenge his only professional loss, to former welterweight champion Marlon Starling.

    The Simon in question is welterweight champion Simon Brown of Mount Airy, who will defend his WBC crown against top-ranked Buddy McGirt of Long Island, N.Y., in Las Vegas tomorrow night (Showtime, 10).

  19. BOXING; Reid Stops Brown With a Devastating Knockout
    Published: June 28, 1998

    PHILADELPHIA, June 27— David Reid, the young junior middleweight, was a smashing success in his professional hometown debut. The emphasis is on smashing. Reid landed a crushing right hand to the chin of Simon Brown, knocking him out cold at two minutes of the fourth round tonight.

    The knockout before a crowd of 4,832 at the Apollo at Temple University provided some scary moments. Brown appeared knocked out before he hit the canvas, and his legs went into a spasm once he landed. Paramedics raced to the ring with a stretcher, but the ringside physicians had Brown given oxygen as he lay on the canvas. He was down for about five minutes before the paramedics got him seated on the stool. He left the ring under his own power.

  20. The Axe Man Commeth
    By Robert Ecksel 12/06/2015

    Nicholas Walters WBA Featherweight Super Champion
    Nicholas “Axeman” Walters WBA Featherweight Super Champion
    In anticipation of Saturday’s fight at New York’s Madison Square Garden Theater between WBA Super World featherweight champion, Nicholas “Axe Man” Walters (25-0, 21 KOs), from Montego Bay, Jamaica, and Miguel “The Scorpion” Marriaga (20-0, 18 KOs), from Cartagena, Colombia, I’ve been trying to get a hold of the champ.

    It wasn’t easy. In fact, it wasn’t successful.

    But as luck would have it, I came across two interviews—the first from The Gleaner, the second from—that proved useful.

    “Boxing has been in my blood from a tender age,” the Axe Man told UnitedReggae. “I started boxing at age seven. Jamaica has a strong background of boxers and strong champions. The boxing went down after a while but we still have strong champions. We have Mike McCallum. We have Glen Johnson. We have Lennox Lewis who is Jamaican and also a strong champion. We have Simon Brown. Whenever we do get a champion we have a strong champion.”

  21. Boxing can be brutal: Fighter knocked out and still punching (Video)
    Written by zpmgifqson
    at Oct 28, 2013 – 06:24PM ET in Bizarre

    Boxing can be brutal: Fighter knocked out and still punching (Video)
    Vincent Pettway KO 6 Simon Brown
    April 29, 1995

    Location: US Air Arena, Landover, Maryland, USA

    Attendance: 7,052

    Referee: Ray Klingmeyer

    Division: Jr Middleweight

    Tites: IBF (Pettway defending)

    – See more at:

  22. On this day in Jamaican history: Simon Brown
    Posted on August 15, 2013 by admin Leave a comment
    Simon Brown
    Simon Brown
    On this day in Jamaican history: On August 15, 1963, former professional boxer Simon Brown was born in Clarendon, Jamaica. He was a welterweight fighter who held titles at multiple weight classes and at one point was considered one of the best pound for pound fighters in boxing.

    Read more:

  23. India finishes fourth at Asian Boxing Championships
    Air India Tickets – Get the cheapest flights Deals! Find & Compare Prices on Flights.

    India signed off a creditable fourth among the record 28 countries which participated in the Asian Boxing Championships after grabbing one silver and three bronze medals on the whole.

    India logged 16 points for their performance in the event to finish behind table-toppers Kazakhstan (42 points), Uzbekistan (38 points) and hosts Thailand (17 points) respectively.

    Vikas Krishan (75kg) won the lone silver, while the three bronze medals came through L Devendro Singh (49kg), Shiva Thapa (56kg) and Satish Kumar (+91kg).

  24. Boxing loses credibility with every new champion. Can the sport be saved?
    The Transnational Boxing Review Board’s newest recruit, Paul Gibson, catches up with the group’s founding members to discuss their plans to revolutionise boxing
    By Paul Gibson for The Balls of Wrath, part of the Guardian Sport Network
    The Klitschko brothers show off their many belts. Photograph: Alexander Hassenstein/Bongarts/Getty Images
    Paul Gibson
    Monday 2 February 2015 10.15 GMT

    Imagine a world where at least four athletes walk away from each event in the Olympic Games with shiny gold medals. Where on a Sunday evening every April at Augusta National, four or five different golfers pull out of Magnolia Lane and head for home with a winners’ cheque tucked into the breast pocket of their matching green jackets. Where at the end of every gruelling nine-month, 38-match football season, the top four teams in the league receive trophies and the title, champion. Better still, they don’t even have to play each other to claim the top prize.

    Is your imagination vivid enough to conjure up such a far-out, zany, make-believe land? Or are you simply picturing the reality of modern-day prize fighting?

  25. Vikas Krishan goes down fighting, settles for silver in Asian Boxing Championship
    PTI | Sep 5, 2015, 04.37PM IST

    Vikas Krishan
    Vikas went on the offensive in the second round but the fist-speed of Melikuziev was something that the Indian struggled to keep pace with. (TOI Photo)
    BANGKOK: Indian boxer Vikas Krishan (75kg) fought his heart out but still fell short as he settled for the silver medal after going down to Uzbekistan’s Bektemir Melikuziev in a brutal summit clash of the Asian Championship on Saturday.

    The 23-year-old Indian lost 0-2 to the reigning Youth Olympic champion in a gruelling fight that left both the boxers with several bruises on their faces.

  26. Mandeep Jangra marches into Asian Boxing Championships pre-quarters
    Mandeep Jangra took down Vietnam’s Vien Ngoc Huynh 3-0 in the bout which had to abandoned after the Vietnamese suffered a cut.
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    By: PTI | Bangkok | Published:August 28, 2015 3:04 pm
    Boxing India, India Boxing, Boxing world, asian boxing championship, asian boxing, boxing asia, mandeep jangra,mandeep jangra boxing, mandeep jangra india, sports news, boxing news, boxing, sports
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    Mandeep Jangra will next fight it out against Japan’s Ysauhiro Suzuki in pre-quarters on August 30. (Source: Facebook)
    Commonwealth Games silver-medallist Mandeep Jangra took just over a minute to force his rival out of the contest with a bloodied face and book a prequarterfinal berth in the Asian Boxing Championships in Bangkok on Friday.
    Mandeep, competing in the welterweight 69kg category, took down Vietnam’s Vien Ngoc Huynh 3-0 in the bout which had to abandoned quite early.

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  27. OnePlus X aims to offer high-end experience at low-cost price NEW YORK– Chinese smartphone maker OnePlus is at it again.

    On Thursday the company announced its third smartphone, the OnePlus X. Unlike the OnePlus One or OnePlus 2 that came before it, the OnePlus X is a new fashion-focused line for OnePlus that comes at an even more budget-conscious price: $249 unlocked and without any contract when it launches in the US on November 19.

  28. Business savvy and Philanthropist Joseph J. Issa, has hailed as a huge success, the ‘plant a tree’ programmer at Prospect Plantation that has been promoting green field development long before climate change became a concern.

    “Judging by the number of iconic figures who have come to Prospect Plantation in support of the programmer and the patronage from the public thus far to 2014, I think it has been a great success,” says Joe Issa, who planted a tree along with Canadian superstar Bryan Adams in the late 1990s.

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